This page is a reading comprehension exercise that guides you as you study a news story about a current event.
A series of questions will help you analyze your news article and identify any unfamiliar words or grammar. You will be invited to relate the story to your own context by thinking about ways the story might connect with your cultural background or experience.
1. Find a Website that reports on local news. (If you don't live in the USA, choose any area that interests you.)
2. Choose one article to read. (Length doesn’t matter.)
3. Answer the questions below.
4. Discuss your answers with your teacher, study partner, or friend.
5. Feel great about understanding local culture and news!
If you need some help finding a story to read about local news in the USA, here are some suggested sites:
San Jose Mercury News Local News
Chicago Tribune Local News
Atlanta Journal-Constitution Local News
New York Times Local News
Answering these questions will help you analyze the story and relate it to your own experiences.
1. What was the headline?
2. On what news site did you find the story?
3. Were there any photos? Did the photos help give you more details about the story?
4. Was this article about a new or old story?
5. Answer the “5 Ws and one H.”
6. Describe the story in one sentence.
7. What is your opinion of the story?
8. Could this happen in your home country? Why or why not?
9. Do you have any questions about the story that you would ask a local?
10. Were there any words or grammar constructions that you did not understand?
If you work with a study partner or teacher, discuss the story with them. If you are a MyOvient PLUS or PRO member, please share your answers with us in the comments section below.
More Practice
Once you have practiced this page, you may also want to try these related pages:
News Vocabulary Quiz
Sequencing Events at a Meeting
Copyright Listening Quiz
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