This lesson provides a script to follow when composing a cold call voicemail, a voicemail that you leave to introduce yourself to a new contact. You will be guided to personalize the script by plugging in information about you, your company and its services, and how you can be reached. Follow-up scripts are provided to serve as templates for leaving second and third voicemails attempts.

Practice reading the following script with your company information.
First Attempt:
"Hi (name), this is (your name) with (company name). My phone number is (number). (Company name) specializes in providing (service), and I think we could help your company with (service). I’d like to talk with you about (your offer) if you have a few minutes."
"Even if you’re not actively searching for a (supplier/service), let me know if you’d like to receive (our catalog/monthly email). Again, my phone number is (number), and I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks."
Second Attempt:

More Practice
Once you have finished this lesson, you may also want to visit these related pages:
Introduction (Cold) Email Template
Cold Call Phone Scripts
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