Read this paragraph out loud, using your voice. Where should you pause when you read this paragraph?
Venture capitalists are important for start-up companies that are not
large enough to raise capital in the public markets or stable enough
to qualify for direct bank loans. The investors in these companies usually have a
great deal of say in how the companies will be run. Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park,
California is seen as a symbol of private capital, just as Wall Street is a symbol
of the stock market because of the large number of venture capital companies
located there.

Listen to the audio recording below. Where did the speaker pause? Did the speaker pause in the same places you paused?
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Listen to the audio recording again. This time, practice reading along. Try to pause only when the speaker pauses.
If you have a way to record your voice, practice reading this paragraph and record yourself. Listen to yourself. Did you pause in the right places?